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Gospel Light Ministry

Pastor Dave Lynch

All about Gospel Light Ministries

How Gospel Light Ministries Started...

  Gospel Light Ministry was started by my Grandfather, Huey Gillispie, during the late 40’s and early 50’s. During that time he was providing Evangelistic Tent meetings and operated a church ministry in South Western Pennsylvania.

  He traveled throughout the United States doing Revivals and bringing people to the Lord.

Huey Gillespie, started Gospel Light Ministries in the late 40's

  As a young boy growing up in the 50’s, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel with my grandparents doing these Revival Meetings. They were certainly a Major Influence in my formative years growing up, and this surely made a lifelong impact upon my life. We always had a very close relationship.

  My grandparents passed away in 1984, but what they had instilled within me, led me into further pursuing God and His Will for my life! Within a few years, I found myself going to Seminary and being mentored by a Pastor whom God had led me to. During that time, God directed me to establish an Outreach Ministry continuing my grandfather’s vision for Gospel Light Ministry.

  As I continued to pursue God, I received my doctorate degree in Theology and continued on with Evangelistic Outreaches for a period of time. I also assisted my Pastor in Long Beach, Ca and led an Elder Care Ministry for 9 years.   

    God always had a plan for my life that I never expected.

  I met Esther, we dated and attended her church, Eastside Christian Church in Fullerton, Orange County, Ca. 

We were married 4 years later at Eastside Christian Church at which time we led a weekly Bible Study and started the Soaring Eagles Motorcycle Ministry. We led both groups for six years until God moved us to Arizona!


  When we first arrived in Arizona in 2018, we served at Pinal County Cowboy Church where we had the privilege of substitute preaching as well as the opportunity to minister at Sacaton Indian Reservation, Fiesta Grande RV Parks, and Caliche Senior Care Residence.

  Two years later, we followed God’s lead to Arizona City where He inevitably led us to establish Gospel Light Ministry Church on September 3, 2020. in 2020.

  Since we started, we have been privileged to serve the community with Food Distribution & Faith, Community Dinners, and other Community Events. Throughout the month, we have various groups: Men’s Bible Study, Ladies’ Fellowship, Circle of Prayer mornings and Thursday afternoon at the church that meet to study the Word and draw us closer to the Lord.

  Within the first year, we connected with Mike Wandera in Uganda and started Gospel Light Ministry Uganda. It’s an Evangelistic Ministry bringing hundredths of Muslims into the Christian Faith. We are also blessed to support other ministries such as, Cristine Cane with A21, CUFI, ACLJ, Missionary Susan Staple in Thailand, and Set Free Ministry.

We are continuing to seek God for the future growth of Gospel Light Ministry for His Glory. 

Pastor Dave Lynch


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